A Jailhouse Lawyer’s Manual is written and updated by members of the Columbia Human Rights Law Review. The law prohibits us from providing any legal advice to anyone, including currently incarcerated people. The information is not intended as legal advice or representation nor should you consider it as such. Additionally, your use of the JLM should not be construed as creating an attorney-client relationship with the JLM staff or anyone at Columbia Law School. We have attempted to provide information that is up to date and useful. However, because the law changes frequently, we cannot guarantee that this information is current or correct.

If you are printing chapters of the JLM for use by someone other than yourself, please include the title page and legal disclaimer, which can be accessed in PDF form by clicking on the blue, “Title Page & Legal Disclaimer” link below.


To order a paperback copy of the JLM: You can purchase the JLM and supplements on our website via the following link: https://clsjournals.directfrompublisher.com/.

**If you or your loved one is incarcerated note that you are able to order the book for $30, not $140. Please add it to your online cart / fill out your check or money order accordingly.


Alternatively, you can mail us a letter stating the book(s) you would like to purchase and your mailing address. Please also include a money order or check.

For incarcerated people and their family members

The JLM 13th Edition main volume is $30.  The Immigration & Consular Access Supplement is $15. First class shipping is included in the price. Prices and availability may be subject to change.  See the pricing chart on the Jailhouse Lawyer’s Manual order form. We have a very limited availability to distribute free manuals. In order to qualify we require a brief explanation of indigent status explained in the letter sent with the order or on the order form itself.

For institutions and people who are not incarcerated:  

The JLM 13th Edition main volume is $140. The Immigration & Consular Access Supplement is $50. If you are ordering for an incarcerated person, follow the instructions for incarcerated people and their family members. Prices and availability may be subject to change.

Given the slowness of mail to jails, prisons, and hospitals please allow 6-8 weeks for your order to arrive. If you still haven’t received your order by then please reach out to us and we are happy to help! 

Mailing address: 435 W. 116th St., New York, NY 10027
